NaNoWriMo 2023

Out with the old challenge, in with the new?

This year I will be attempting NaNoWriMo for the first time. The idea of undertaking this challenge has crossed my mind in previous years, and now, for the first time, I am committing to it. After consulting some guides about how to prepare, reading the pros and cons of plotting vs pantsing (I think I identify as a “plantser”, at this point), and dedicating a few hours per week for the last few weeks, I find myself at the end of “Preptober”, somewhat prepped.

By somewhat prepped, I mean that I have an idea, a summary, and a scene outline (albeit incomplete at this time of writing). I know how I’ll start tomorrow. I’ll have to see where I take it from there.

I have carved out some daily morning time, dedicated to this project. I will likely do some extra writing on the weekends to hit the word targets.

I have tried to mentally prepare myself for the eventual urge for editing that I will have to suppress if I am to make it to the finish line. I am also using this exercise to flex my daily writing muscles. I already know, based on my outline, that my story will be far from perfect. In fact, there are major plot points I remain unsure about.

Ultimately, I will write every day. And I will aim to hit the 50k words by building endurance over time, much like training for a marathon.

I am excited to embark on this journey and to discover what comes of it.